Simien (Ethiopia) - February 2007

From the Simien plateau to Lalibela

This trek took place between the Simien natural park and the vicinity of Lalibela, going through Mt Ras Dashen (14872ft) and is a pure marvel. Grandiose landscapes, sometimes arid and somtimes covered with a remarkable vegetation. An endemic fauna, sheltered by the natural park. And, above all, a powerful feeling of being in Africa. An Africa who was not put down by the many colonial waves and other invasion attemps. An Africa who jumps into you face when you meet people on country roads, who greet you politely and stare at you with curiosity (white people are uncommon in these places), or when you cross villages where you will be excorted by a bunch of overexcited kids, eager for photographs ! Even if this friendlyness does not exist in all Ethiopia, far from that, especially in urban areas; in the areas we crossed it was quite amazing. In short, this was a trek with deep and intense feelings. A small warning however, this trek requires a lot of physical effort and is not designed for people not in their best shape or who wouldn't have enough stamina.

Photo gallery

Check out the photos of the trek on Flickr, to download the images in their original size and see on a map the places where they were taken.


The trek map in Google Maps.